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Temple01 – China Threat

Home Forums WTMO-Track Feedback Temple01 – China Threat

last updated by PR23 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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    • #7478
      Points: 297.10

      HI Guys

      So been playing about with this track i started in Live 12  been figuring out some of its new features i used the midi note stretch for the kick drum rolls i also had a play with the new performance pack where can control several parameters on one slider in this case i added a filter on both the main kick and the rolling kick to make the main kick filter down and the rolling kick filter up this was just me discovering stuff but as great potential any how any thought on mix /arrangement always welcome ..thanks all ..Tim

    • #7493
      Points: 1,040.90

      Got no idea about the genre or those midi note stretches. All I know is that I really enjoyed the track.

      I think it sounded great in the mix, nothing didn’t really catch my attention, it was just flowing nicely.

      • #7494
        Points: 297.10

        thanks Piv i think i may slightly change the intro where the synth riser comes in first and replace that but its almost there had fun doing this one, thanks for listen and feedback

    • #7524
      Ben Hunt
      Points: 145.20

      You’re really embracing the D&B Tim, sounds really good, love the main haunting riff.

      I was expecting more of a bass drop after the first riser at 0:44, so I’d tone the riser down a bit, but it looks like you mentioned doing something different there anyway.

      The gated riser and drum build up at 3:30 is great!

      Sounds like the tail has been cut off the end too, but easy fix. Great work.

    • #7528
      Points: 297.10

      Thanks Ben yes i think i want to change the riser here as i dont want to repeat the first one in this intro area just needs something small for a que point etc.. that tail at the end do you mean the very last kick roll at the end of track ? thanks for listening and help 👍

    • #7529
      Ben Hunt
      Points: 145.20

      Very end of the track, the faded reverb cuts out too soon. Probably just need to extend the out point by a few seconds and export again.

      • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Ben Hunt.
      • #7531
        Points: 297.10

        ahh thanks ben i will sort that

    • #7532
      Points: 211.20

      Cool track Tim, nothing stood out in the mix, all good there. I like the crunchy snare sound you got! Agree with Ben on the first riser I also expected a bigger drop there..

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