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mr_melvis – Dream State 1 V1-b

Home Forums WTMO-Track Feedback mr_melvis – Dream State 1 V1-b

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8 replies
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    • #3903
      Points: 176.20

      New track for the Dream State EP pool – feedback always welcomed.  Experimented with orchestral placement this time – breaking the orchestral midi down into separate components and working volumes, placement, etc. in a new way for me.

    • #3921
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 62.00

      Well, this is clearly new to you … and needs refinement, those elements all play half connected half disconnected to each other, there is this occosional violin (3:02 for example) which seems to be standing in a completely different room than the orchestra. Don´t know what to suggest though, depends on what you mean with orchestral placement.

    • #3925
      Nick Lavallee
      Points: 30.00

      Definitely dreamy ❤️

      :14 stereo movement feels a little too fast for me

      :27 snare starts to disappear here and the high hats are really sharp through here

      :51 that lute though 😍 flute? Whatever it is I’m gettin Shire vibes haha

      I like how full this feels

      2:30 that high wind instrument is a little loud

      2:40 I love this violin but compared to the rest,  it feels dry I think,  almost too clear compared to the space in everything else

      Rest of it nothing else popped out!


      Only other thing from my perspective is maybe a little more variety in the rhythmic side of things but I’m a glitch addict sooooo 🤷‍♂️

      Love the idea,  thanks for sharing!

    • #3989
      Points: 176.20

      Matt/Nick – thanks for the feedback!  Right out of the gate…..they all can’t be home runs!  😉  If it feels a little disjointed, it’s because I’m learning to accentuate the actual roles each instrument in an orchestra plays.  Cello doesn’t really play the same rhythm as contrabass, as violins, violas don’t play same rhythms or accents as violins or contrabass, etc.,etc..  Something new I’m working on, so I appreciate your take on it Matt.  Nick – I’ll take a look at those issues – thanks for your feedback!

    • #3990
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 62.00

      Well so, you mean like experimenting with composing as well as placement of the instruments … so, what a viola player once told me, was that violas are more like rhythmical elements, mostly like da da da dam stuff, accentuation of whatever main melody is playing. From what i know about orchester setups, i would suggest following placement in the stereo field and depth: violins front left and center, violas front right, further right in this order cello and contrabass, woodwinds center and behind violins, brass behind woodwinds, horns left and behind, piano is also placed there usually, drums and percussion to the right and behind the strings … the solo instruments, if there are any, are placed to the front of their respective groups … singer, if there is one, takes front and center stage, a choir usually is placed left or right of the orchestra. And i am glad i am not the one who has to mic this up … i would imagine phase issues all over the place 😀


    • #3991
      Points: 176.20

      Yeah – I have charts that show the placement in the stereo field – the experiment was more in using emphasis of each instrument’s ‘role’ at different points in the track.  They are all playing the same chord voicings, just different inversions, etc..

      And yeah – I wouldn’t want to mic it either…  😉

    • #4000
      Points: 255.60

      There’s some really nice sounds in this mate, some of the sounds seem perhaps a bit disjointed or out levels not right making them seem out slightly, the pipe or flute or whatever it is i like, its soothing and makes you stop and listen to the track, please finish this one mate it’s proper nice!

      • #4008
        Points: 176.20

        Thanks Brother!

    • #4061
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 62.00

      Aah, now i understand what you mean Todd … it is more about the composing aspect, I really want to help with that but i also know my own limits and you described pretty well what i am doing in my tracks for the most part as well … so yeah, i can´t be of much help with that but i will gladly lend you my ear for the technical aspects.

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