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Floor Supervisor – 1:30

Home Forums WTMO-Track Feedback Floor Supervisor – 1:30

last updated by AFL 6 months ago
5 voices
8 replies
  • Author
    • #4752
      Floor Supervisor
      Points: 9.00

      Hey all! I’m Joel aka Floor Supervisor. I’m brand new to We Talk Music and I’m so excited to be a part of a new community of producers!

      I was born and raised in Chicago which highly influences my flavors in acid house and early 80s sound (even though I am still trying to fit in that wet, distorted sound). But yeah, I’m still trying to find my own voice in this music world. And I would love help with mixing tips, arrangement and musicality, and general how to make a club bang!

      Hope this track peaks some critique and advice!

    • #4755
      Hushed Tones
      Points: 76.00

      This is Joel. He’s a homie I met recently. Has a nice underground style, all Chicago/Detroit flavor. I gave him some feedback, let’s see what you guys think of his new track.

      P.S. His workflow is hardware. Tell us what pieces you work with JOEEEEEL

    • #4758
      Points: 261.10

      Great to have you here man! I’ll take a listen to this asap, I’m sure you’ll get more ears on it soon too.

      I’d be interested to hear what hardware you’re rocking with too?

      • #4816
        Floor Supervisor
        Points: 9.00

        I’m working with the TD-3 and the microkorg! As well as drum samples from old analog gear.

    • #4789
      Points: 211.20

      Hi Joel, welcome to the group! ok, on to the track…

      First feeling was the kick lacked body.

      0.15 the acid line is cool but when the sub layer comes in here it doesn’t feel well defined..maybe separate the sub from the main/mid layer and process it differently.

      0.31 the new bell like synth comes in loud, maybe fade it in more.

      1.02 I like the hats here

      the ‘bells’ sound could use some modulation/filtering to keep it interesting.

      1.26 good that you open up the stereo field…it’s all a bit centered up to now.

      3.33 like the dub chords, though maybe you can bring in this element earlier?

      OK, it’s a good start, I like your sound as I’m a sucker for acid…

      Overall feeling is it lacks low end, there’s a lot going on in the same frequency range. Look forward to more of this.




      • #4817
        Floor Supervisor
        Points: 9.00

        Thank you for the reply! Definitely a lot of helpful points here that I definitely hear in the track. It’s nice to have them explained with detail. Hope to update you on this soon.

    • #4830
      Points: 529.40

      Hey mate, welcome to the group 👋 Paul has already made very good points. Overall I like the groove the most you have going in that track. These transitions here and there (e.g. 3:18 or 3:25) are bit abrupt and could be smoother for my taste. I also wished those percs could have appeared 8 – 16 beats earlier the first time. That nice 303 was a touch too loud compared to the kick. I agree about that bell-ish sound. Towards the end around the 5 minute mark it gets repetitive as well as the percs. Anyway, that’s a good starting point for my taste. I would shorten that track by 30 to 60 seconds and bring those chords earlier and implement some variations on those percs (adsr envelope wise or new patterns). Nice job so far 🙂

      • #4840
        Floor Supervisor
        Points: 9.00

        Thanks! Great to have some more ears on it. I’ll be working on all this soon!

        • #4844
          Points: 261.10

          Nothing helps more than having other ears on a project, especially when they can explain it so well like these guys.

          Can’t wait for the next version!

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