Start small, build big – discover new sonic expanses with Spacer, a modular creative effects station where time and space are united as one. Spacer has five effects modules which can be linked in any order to generate infinite FX combinations, but are also designed to work as independent processing stations in their own right. Send your signal into orbit using algorithmic, convolution and granular reverb, and simple and granular delay, to create dreamlike overtones, shifting soundscapes or contemporary ambiences.

Pancz is an audio plugin equipped with a powerful multiband transient shaper, clipping tool, precise waveform analyzer and additional tone manipulation effects. It uses complex audio processing to directly control the shape of the sound. With its convenient waveform window and a “cut line” you are able to visually manipulate the sound making it look and sound the way you want it to. Additional sets of controls will bring your sounds to life making them feel polished and professional.

Simulate real life cassette tapes and add a lo-fi, vintage feel to your sound. OCS-45’s rich set of controls allow you to tweak settings exactly the way you need to achieve that low fidelity sound. Predefined presets make it easy to find a perfect setting for your sound.