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  • 15 hours, 7 minutes ago
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Temple01 – Jungle creatures

Home Forums WTMO-Track Feedback Temple01 – Jungle creatures

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6 replies
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    • #7645
      Points: 297.10

      Hi all So i wanted to try a kinda jungle / DnB track this is just the idea here but using the amigo plugin for time stretch feel to the drums etc.. still working on it tho also used the amigo for the string chord sound this function is very cool gives an old style feel

    • #7656
      Points: 1,040.90

      The police signal reminds me of me back in 91 with my Boss Sound module, had this sample section that had helicopters, siren, cars and so on. Gives the old school vibe.

      The time stretches sounds sometimes like they are a bit out of sync, which only add to the old school flavor. I don’t know so much about the genre, but I really enjoyed it, and I also like the sound of the mix.

    • #7668
      Points: 211.20

      It’s definitely got the old school vibe, reminds me of stuff around 91/92. The audible click on the drums at the start feels too much. Love all the time stretch effects!

    • #7671
      Points: 297.10

      Thanks Piv and Paul yeah i noticed that click now you say i will look at the drums i suspect some adjustment needed on the slices within the amigo plugin as it slices the loop and there maybe some slices need looking at to tighten them up a bit, but i am happy it gives the old school vibe which is what i wanted to achieve here mixed with a subtle modern DnB thanks for feedback ..T

    • #7683
      Points: 12.00

      Hi! Nice track! I think you’re achieving the old-skool/modern DnB mix very well. My comment would be to include some automation on things like the rhythmic bassline and the keys to create a bit more movement, like building pressure on the dance floor leading up to the release that comes with the transitions. Does that make sense?

      • #7725
        Points: 297.10

        Thanks Ren.Tek and Ben and yes i sgree it does need more movement especially in the bass perhaps to give a more modern flavour to it, this is v1 so will see where it goes i do need to sort out that intro click on the drum to a bit of adjustment needed etc.. thanks both for listening and comments ..T

    • #7721
      Ben Hunt
      Points: 145.20

      Definite old school vibes Tim. Agree with Paul on the clicks at the start, but didn’t notice them after that. The drop at 3.41 with the sirens is perfect! Nice one.

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